The Hoarding Condition

Help with Compulsive Hoarding Syndrome

Hoarding Condition
Help with Hoarding

Many mean-spirited people speak about hoarding as if a hoarder has a choice. However, hoarders and their families know deep down inside that hoarding is a condition that, if not properly handled, can turn deadly.
Hoarders: you are not alone. It is estimated that 2 to 5 percent of the world’s population suffer from the hoarding disease. That number may seem small. However, it calculates to anywhere from 6 million to 16 million sufferers in the Unites States alone. That is by no means a “small” number.

The condition of compulsive hoarding has gone unnoticed and untreated far too long. Now that areas are becoming more densely populated, the side effects of hoarding are affecting more people than ever. Hoarders no longer have to hide or be ashamed of their hoarding disease. Help can be found simply by asking.

Address Our Mess helps hoarders take the first step on a larger journey to a happier, healthier lifestyle. Gone are the “I will clean up tomorrow…. next week… next month,” excuses. Hoarders and their families can find peace of mind in knowing that Address Our Mess has dedicated technicians who will help them solve their hoarding problem.

The Hoarding Disease

Compulsive Hoarding Syndrome is finally gaining recognition by the American Psychiatric Association. Their industry “bible” called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) was updated in May of 2013. This update included Compulsive Hoarding as its own category amongst treatable syndromes. This addition is great news for hoarders and their families, as members of the mental health community will now focus more of their time and energy on getting to the bottom of the debilitating condition.

help-hoarding-conditionDeep cleaning the home of a hoarder is the first step in the healing process. By contacting Address Our Mess, you will receive intimate treatment from Day 1 until long after the cleaning project has completed. Our specialists have dedicated their time to becoming highly skilled after hours of training and certification. After the proper amount of time is spent cleaning the home, our specialists will also be available to provide tips on life after hoarding while offering advice on how to seek additional help.

Tue, 04/30/2013 - 11:17 by Kenneth Donnelly