What is Included in a Deep House Cleaning?

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A deep house cleaning is a service where a home is cleaned extremely thoroughly and is not part of the normal cleaning routine. A deep house cleaning is usually only wanted when you need to clean the areas that your normal cleaning routine does not cover. A normal cleaning routine usually only cleans the visible areas of the home that people see daily, and removes visible dust and dirt, this type of cleaning is done regularly. Deep cleaning goes beyond visible dust and dirt and cleans all the surfaces of the home. Below are common examples of what a deep house cleaning can include!

Examples of What a Deep House Cleaning Can Include:

  • Deep clean of all rooms in the home including bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, basements, attics, garages, etc.
  • Clean windowsills, grout lines, and other crevices in the home
  • Clean light switches
  • Clean doorknobs
  • Clean windows inside and outside
  • Clean under sinks
  • Floor waxing
  • Carpet cleaning or replacing
  • Hardwood floor cleaning or polishing
  • Exterior cleaning including porches, sunrooms, sheds, and storage units, etc.
  • Clean and sanitize walls and floors
  • Clean heavy appliances
  • Organize and sort items
  • Other areas that do not get cleaned during the normal cleaning routine
  • Hauling away all garbage once the project is complete

  • Donating unwanted items to charity

What to Expect from a Reputable Deep Cleaning Company?

Keep in mind that a reputable deep cleaning company like Address Our Mess will provide an in-home estimate first. In-home estimates provide peace of mind because you will know what to expect and you will know that it will be done right the first time. Also, a reputable deep cleaning company should consult with you first and get your permission before going through the cleaning process to make sure that the project is done exactly right the first time.

Why Use Address Our Mess Deep Cleaning Service?

At Address Our Mess our project managers will work in conjunction with you (the homeowner) to not only clean but choose items to get rid of with your permission. If you so wish, we can also give away your items to a charitable organization who will distribute them to people and communities in need. The project manager will also keep in mind that all keepsakes and collectibles will be returned to their place in your home. To ensure that you keep what you want to keep we will organize and sort your items room by room into three categories, this is known as the “Three Container Method”.

The Three Categories of the Three Container Method Are:

  •  Trash/Garbage
  •  Donations
  •  Keepsakes

Each room to be deep cleaned will be sorted using the three container method to make very clear what is meant to be trash, donated, or kept and organized.

We can handle your deep cleaning project at Address Our Mess! We are not a typical maid service, our specialists are trained and certified to handle any deep cleaning project. Homeowners are in complete control during the deep cleaning process with Address Our Mess!

Call 410-589-2747, email Info@addressourmess.com, or use our Contact Us page for more information on our Deep Cleaning Service.

Mon, 04/29/2013 - 10:51 by Kenneth Donnelly